the tale of two intake forms
The two intake forms for help to those who need it that we looked at in class were very different. I agree that the one intake form without all of the religious based questions was like that because it is government funded and we all know church and state don't go together. I believe the other intake form had all of the questions on it not to judge, push away, or offend anyone; but to see where someone is on their spiritual walk. I think the people reading the forms can then find out and talk to the one's needing help so that they don't offend them or they don't beat them with a Bible if the people already have a good understanding of the Bible. I don't think Christians would ask those questions just to judge a person who needs help. I agree that some "sunday Christians" would judge others but real Christians don't. It is hard not to judge people. I am guilty of that even though I try to love everyone or at least see good in everyone. If I were giving out the intake form I probably wouldn't ask all of the religious questions but instead lead by example and maybe they would see God through me and not be turned off by my questions.